Endowments at Covenant Health

A Legacy of Excellence

At Covenant Health, we deeply value the generosity and dedication of our donors who share our mission of enhancing community well-being through improved healthcare. Philanthropic support is pivotal in empowering Covenant Health to deliver exceptional care.

Endowments are permanently restricted funds established with an initial commitment of at least $25,000. The donor, in partnership with one of the foundations within the Covenant Health Office of Philanthropy, defines the restricted purpose of the endowed fund and its earnings. The principal of the endowment will not be spent. Only the earnings from the fund are distributed for the intended purpose, creating a lasting funding source for the purpose chosen by the donor.

Additional gifts to any existing endowment fund are welcomed and encouraged. For investment purposes, endowed funds may be co-mingled with other invested assets as governed by the Covenant Health Investment Policy.

“A cancer diagnosis changes everything. Your mind floods with questions, and you think about your family, your future, and all the unknowns. When I received my breast cancer diagnosis, I was relieved to learn that Thompson Cancer Survival Center offered best-in-class treatment options right here in Knoxville. I always felt confident in my care team – they ensured I received personalized care and expertise needed for my journey.

In particular, the nurse navigation program provided invaluable guidance and support, easing the complexities of treatment and empowering me to make informed decisions. Along with my family and my faith, my care team was a source strength, determination, and hope, even on my darkest days. I am now 5+ years cancer free – Praise God! My husband, Marty and I are privileged to support this program, and hopeful that it will extend the same level of care, support, and compassion to countless others on their own journeys towards healing.”

– Ann Brown

Current Endowed Funds at Covenant Health

  • Caroline Can! Endowment Fund for Brain Injury Education
  • Pastoral Care Endowment at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center
  • The Ruth Crawley, R.N. Scholarship Award Endowment at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center
  • Katerpillar Kids Camp Excellence Endowment
  • Pilot Flying J Military Recognition Program Excellence Endowment
  • The Wayne Heatherly Excellence in Patient Care Endowment at Parkwest Medical Center
  • Rachel Wattenburger Memorial Scholarship Excellence Endowment at Parkwest Medical Center
  • The Lewis S. Howard Endowment for Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Parkwest Medical Center Excellence Endowment
  • Dr. Mitch Dickson Physician Leadership Excellence Endowment at Parkwest Medical Center
  • Buckalew Clinical Education Excellence Endowment at Cumberland Medical Center
  • Bristow Clinical Education Excellence Endowment at Cumberland Medical Center
  • The A. David and Sandy Martin Excellence Endowment
  • Roane Medical Center Excellence Endowment
  • Solomon Chaplaincy Endowment for Roane Medical Center
  • Hospitality Houses Manly Endowment at Methodist Medical Center
  • Hospitality Houses Waterhouse Endowment at Methodist Medical Center
  • Jane Wilson Manly Quiet Room Endowment at Methodist Medical Center
  • Methodist Medical Center Family Residency Endowment
  • Larry Richard Purkey Emergency Services Excellence Endowment at Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System
  • Robert F. Thomas Endowment Fund for LeConte Medical Center
  • Sharp Endowment for LeConte Medical Center
  • Burchfield Endowment for LeConte Medical Center
  • The Ann & Marty Brown Excellence Endowment at Thompson Cancer Survival Center

Covenant Health Office of Philanthropy
280 Fort Sanders West Blvd., Suite 202
Knoxville, TN 37922

Office: 865-531-5210
Fax: 865-531-5211

A Not-For-Profit, Community-Owned Healthcare System

We are committed to improving the quality of life in East Tennessee through better health. In partnership with our generous donors, Covenant’s 10,000+ employees, physicians, and volunteers are providing the very best care for our patients and their families.

Covenant Health