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Parkwest Medical Center

Covenant Health System


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Parkwest Medical Center is proud to honor our nurses who provide extraordinary care by awarding them with The DAISY Award. Nurses who earn the DAISY Award are recognized through the international nurse recognition program that celebrates the compassion and skills nurses bring to patients and families every day.

The DAISY, or Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem, Foundation was formed in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes. Patrick died at the age of 33, from complications of the auto-immune disease Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). During his eight-week hospital stay, his family was impressed by the care and compassion his nurses provided, not only to him but to everyone in the family. They created the DAISY Award in Patrick’s memory to recognize those nurses who make a big difference in the lives of so many people.

As stated by their mission statement, The DAISY Foundation expresses gratitude to Nurses with programs that recognize them for the extraordinary compassionate, skillful care they provide patients and families. By honoring compassionate nurses, DAISY reinforces the importance of compassion in healthcare.

Nominate an Extraordinary Nurse

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May we share your comments in publicity materials if your nominee is selected as a DAISY Award winner?*

Each DAISY Award Honoree will be recognized at a public ceremony in her/his unit and will receive a certificate, a DAISY Award pin and a hand-carved stone sculpture entitled A Healer’s Touch. To learn more about the DAISY award, visit