Methodist Hosts Youth Leadership Anderson County

  • 3 minute read.
  • Last Updated: 2/28/2025

Hospital partners with Anderson County Chamber of Commerce to offer learning opportunities for area students

Anderson County Youth Leadership visited Methodist earlier this week for their class Healthcare Day. Students from Anderson County and Clinton High Schools participate in Youth Leadership, which is offered by the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce. The program fosters leadership skills; acquaints students with their community’s needs, opportunities, resources, and infrastructure; and highlights local career/leadership opportunities. 

Youth leadership program encourages the next generation of healthcare professionals

While at Methodist, the students learned about the broad range of careers available in healthcare. Staff representing the hospital’s laboratory, medical imaging, respiratory therapy, and vascular services areas discussed job responsibilities and answered students’ questions. Interactive demonstrations showed students the organization and teamwork required to keep a hospital running effectively.

Full group shot of the entire from the 2025 Youth Leadership Anderson County as they stand in main lobby atrium of the hospital.
Youth Leadership Anderson County’s Class of 2025 included junior and senior students from Anderson County and Clinton High Schools.

Virtual experiences, real-life impact

Students also had an opportunity to gain hands-on experience as they participated in special lab stations. Students learned how to give CPR on adults and infants and discovered the complexities of hand hygiene and infection control.  They also took part in a special sensory simulation booth where they could experience what it would be like with conditions such as glaucoma or macular degeneration, tinnitus, and peripheral neuropathy.  Understanding the difficulties associated with sight, sound and body movement impairments helped instill empathy for those affected with these conditions and generated lots of discussion from students and adult chaperones, alike. 

The Youth Leadership of Anderson County group holds an overhead web of string used during an interactive exercise illustrating different oles in the hospital.
An interactive exercise called “Web of Care” helps to illustrate the many roles and responsibilities involved in the care and treatment of just one patient in the hospital.
Two students are challenged picking up beans replicating medications from a table while wearing glasses that mimic different eye conditions.
Wearing glasses that mimic visual impairments, students were able to understand the difficulties of completing simple tasks such as picking medications by using beans as props.
Two students work together to perform CPR on an adult mannequin.  One student performs compressions while one helps with breathing.
Practicing CPR skills on both adult and infant mannequins helped students learn the technique as well as understand the physical endurance needed for prolonged resuscitation.
Students peer into a blacklight box to view residue left on hands after cleaning hands with either a hand sanitizing product or soap and water.
Using a special blacklight box, students could easily visualize the effectiveness of hand sanitizers versus soap and water after various applications of “germs.”