A Heart Surgery Journey: Recovery and Success Through LeConte Cardiac Rehab


As a farmer in great physical shape, Jerry Hickman, 74, never imagined his chest pain signaled a heart issue.

Hickman lives on the East Tennessee family farm where he grew up. After graduating from Tennessee Tech University, Hickman worked for the highway department, Tennessee Valley Authority, and spent nearly 20 years as a civil engineer for the City of Sevierville. Now retired for more than 10 years, he says, “Retirement is the best job I have ever had.”

One Saturday afternoon, Hickman felt a sharp pain in his chest that occurred “for only a couple of seconds before it would stop.” He remembers feeling an elephant-like pressure on his chest. Short of breath and exhausted after a routine trip to the grocery store, he told his wife, who encouraged him to follow up with his doctor.

Undergoing Bypass Surgery

Hickman underwent cardiac testing, and the results indicated he needed heart surgery.

Because of the severity of Hickman’s artery blockages, he underwent double bypass open-heart surgery at Covenant Health Fort Sanders Regional. David Graham, MD, a surgeon with East Tennessee Cardiovascular Surgery Group, performed the procedure.

“Jerry was an amazing patient after surgery with a strong motivation to improve daily. He had such a positive outlook that definitely helped speed up his recovery,” Dr. Graham recalls.

Hickman was discharged five days after surgery and was given the option to have cardiac rehab near his home. His recovery included instructions to sleep on his back and keep his feet elevated. While his surgical site healed, he was also given a heart-shaped pillow to hold whenever he needed to cough or sneeze.

Now, just a few months following his surgery, Hickman has lost 25 pounds and is enjoying his improved quality of life.

Cardiac Rehab at Covenant Health LeConte

After his open-heart surgery, Hickman chose to have cardiac rehab at Covenant Health LeConte Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation.

He has positive remarks about the entire cardiac rehabilitation experience, and said, “Jay and the whole team are very well-educated and qualified. They pay close attention to their patients and genuinely care about all of us.”

Jay Jordan, supervisor of LeConte Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, said, “Jerry was very committed to achieving improved heart health. Like many of our other patients, he has accomplished that.

“There are three essential elements to our program: one, keeping our patients safe; two, for them to have a great experience, making some new friends and having fun along the way, and three, achieving improved cardiac health, which leads to improved overall health. Thank you, Jerry — we are proud of you, and it is our honor to call you our friend!”

LeConte’s cardiac rehab program is proudly certified to provide Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehab. The program combines exercise and educational classes to safely restore the health of individuals who have had a serious cardiac or pulmonary event.

Hickman thoroughly enjoyed the educational classes offered during cardiac rehab. He said, “Mondays were cooking classes, and they would show us how to make heart-healthy recipes.”

Hickman also enjoyed attending cardiac rehab classes with others. He explained, “You are not alone, and you even get to learn about the other members’ kids and families. You get to know one another and establish relationships through your therapy experience together.” 

Therapy classes play a crucial role in helping participants regain strength. Hickman’s advice to others considering cardiac rehab is simple: “If your insurance will cover the therapy, then go. You’ll get better and stronger. It is definitely worth it.” 

Jerry Hickman continues his recovery while using one of the exercise machines at LeConte Cardiopulmonary Rehab.

Looking to the Future

After graduating from cardiac rehab, Hickman is looking forward to traveling to Europe with his wife. He credits his recovery to the exceptional medical care he received, cardiac rehabilitation, and unwavering support from his wife.

Hickman continues to exercise five days a week for at least 30 minutes by going for walks and doing aerobic exercises, as recommended by his cardiac rehab team and the American Heart Association. He is grateful to be able to perform daily tasks independently again.

Learn More

Covenant Health LeConte Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation is located at 740 Middle Creek Road and is open Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A physician referral is needed for both cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs. For more information, call 865-446-8500 or visit our web page

About the Author

Covenant Health

Headquartered in Knoxville, Tennessee, Covenant Health is a not-for-profit, community-owned, healthcare enterprise committed to providing the right care at the right time and place. Covenant Health is the area’s largest employer and has more than 11,000 compassionate caregivers, expert clinicians, and dedicated employees and volunteers.